VEOLI held its second Open House on Wednesday, October 27, 2021. As we continue to define who we are and what our purpose is, it was heartening to be joined by folks who are interested both in visual graphics and end-of-life issues.
What happened at the Open House is what tends to happen at all VEOLI meetings: connections were made and expanded, as people understand and own the value of talking with others. Visuals are another layer of language, said one end-of-life doula. Many heads nodded vigorously.
What emerged was that each of us has a unique experience of death and dying and we can each bring those experiences to the group. Our ideas of what is possible around this work expands each time we connect with each other. It becomes a space for imagining: dreaming about how we might help each other move through the circle of life and death.
We will have another Open House sometime in the new year and more connections and inspiration will be generated and shared. As a relative newcomer, it is an enriching learning opportunity that I am grateful to have. Together we are a group looking forward.